The i-Optimze diagnostic analyzer allows HVAC service technicians to test the actual operating energy efficiency and cooling performance level of any DX air-conditioner, a patented capability no other tool on the market has. When utilized to support performance based maintenance, energy savings are 19 to 26 percent. This highly advanced analyzer incorporates features developed to support performance based maintenance, including the following capabilities:
Extensive fault detection & diagnostics to spot issues that inexperienced technicians might not perceive as being problematic, helping to avoid potential future occupant complaints, component failures and emergency calls.
Internet connectivity to support online technical support between highly experienced technicians or engineers, and field technicians, including screen sharing and data streaming.
Cloud database to support detailed documentation of the effect of service actions, degradation of unit performance, and comparative analysis of energy efficiency at the time of each service call.
An energy engineer or service technician can have i-Optimize connected and running diagnostics in ten minutes, and a full range of energy performance tests can be completed in 30 minutes. The measurement of actual IEER (Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio) is utilized to project annual energy costs based on the performance level of the unit at the time the measurement is taken.